Thursday, July 1, 2021

Rolling up Today's Campaign

Want to see how a campaign is made?  Or just want to join us for some adventure?

I'm starting up a new play-by-post game over on Discord.

The first step is choosing an Opportunity, a premise for the initial adventure.  I'm suggesting we start with one of these:

  1. Establishing a new community in the wilderness.
  2. Avoiding the law to survive as smugglers.
  3. Searching for a lost treasure.
  4. Protecting a remote outpost on the frontier.
  5. Leading the conquest of a poorly-understood country.
  6. Following a falling star to where it lands.

Once the players have chosen an opportunity to start with, we'll answer a few questions about the party, then we'll jump right into the adventure.


Meanwhile, I'll be posting on the behind-the-scenes channel about how the world is actually being made, as I roll everything up on random tables.  Last time we tried this it was a lot of fun, and as the GM, I enjoyed being surprised by the nature of the world unfolding around us as we adventured.

The game is going to focus on the fiction of the world, leaving aside any number-crunching and die-rolling mechanics for now.  (I'm interested in those, but that's not the focus of this playthrough.)

Feel free to drop in and out, or just watch if you like.  We're leaving the size of the party somewhat vague, so players can come and go as needed.


  1. Eyyy, glad to see the blog is still active. Discovered it recently and it’s easily one of my favorites. Excellent stuff all around.

  2. Kinda disappointed in how much old-school play still relies on actively colonialist tropes. Why are players necessarily the ones establishing a community in the wilderness or protecting a remote outpost, why not have them be the ones dealing with sudden foreign settlement on their lands? (possibly by forming a party venturing into wherever these settlers came from to try to understand them and possibly discover their weaknesses, that's an angle.) D&D doesn't have to be a colonialist fantasy, but we still keep actively playing it as such. Kinda disappointing :(

    1. I'm glad you're looking out for colonialist issues. In this case, the party is probably going to be an indigenous group establishing a community farther away from the colonial empire.

      Most of the adventure premises I've been working on are set up so they could just as easily have either indigenous or colonialist protagonists.

  3. I’ve just restumbled on your blog after a time away. It continues to be a fascinating read. What do I need to know/read etc. in order to join in? Am I too late?

    1. If you're interested, follow the Discord link up top and check out the game. The group is in a good spot where new players could join.

  4. The idea of a play-by-post game with worldbuilding revealed through random tables sounds intriguing.
